What happened
On July 21, 2023, a staff member received an anonymous voicemail intended for the LGBT Resource Center at the University of Utah. This voicemail was filled with hateful and disparaging comments about the LGBTQ+ community and those who form part of the Orthodox and Christian faiths. The caller specifically commented on “laying judgment” on those who identify as LGBTQ+ after “they were done with the Orthodox, Catholics, and Christians.”
What is being done
This incident has been reported to the Office of Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action (OEO/AA), the Racist and Bias Incident Response Team, and University of Utah Police.
The U is committed to equity, diversity and inclusion
The University strongly disagrees with and condemns the messaging conveyed in this phone call which causes harm and diminishes a sense of belonging and safety in our LGBTQ+ community and those of the Orthodox, Catholic, and Christian faith. We strive to create a campus community where all members find a place of safety and belonging to explore, express, and celebrate their identities.
Creating an equitable, safe, welcoming and inclusive campus is our top priority, and we will continue efforts to uplift and celebrate our communities and enhance a sense of belonging on campus as addressed by President Randall strategic vision and foundational pillars.
What to do
Be vigilant and speak up. If you or someone you know has experienced or been impacted by biased or hateful behavior on our campus, we want to know so that we can address those acts quickly and provide support. Incidents can be reported to the Racist and Bias Incident Response Team.