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Sexual Assault or Sexual Misconduct

Sexual assault is the actual or attempted sexual contact with another person without that person’s consent. Sexual assault can include any of the following done without a person’s consent: intentional touching of intimate parts; intentional sexual contact; coercing, forcing or attempting to coerce or force a person to touch another person’s intimate parts; penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus of a person by any object or body part of another person; penetration, no matter how slight, of the mouth of a person by a sex organ of another person.

Sexual misconduct is a broad term used to encompass a range of behaviors including sexual or gender-based harassment, intimate partner violence, sexual exploitation, stalking, nonconsensual sexual contact and non-consensual sexual penetration.

If you are in imminent and immediate danger, dial 911.

Physical Violence

Physical violence is any behavior, action or statement made by an individual or group directed toward another individual, or group, that is threatening or intimidating and causes any reasonable individual who is the recipient of the behavior, action or statement to fear for his or her safety and/or property. It includes interpersonal and domestic violence. Such violence may be in the form of, but not limited to: causing or attempting to cause bodily injury or intimidation to another person; intentionally destroying or damaging any property, public or private; approaching or threatening another with a weapon firearms, knives, explosives or other items capable of inflicting serious bodily harm; making any oral, written or physical gesture as a threat to harm any person or property; intimidation such as stalking or engaging in actions that frighten, coerce or induce duress regarding anyone’s safety or personal property.

If you believe you have witnessed a crime on campus or have been a victim of a crime on campus and would like to report it anonymously, complete the Silent Witness form by clicking the button below.

Property Crime or Theft

To make a police report about vandalism or stolen property, you may call Emergency Communications at 801-585-2677 to meet with an officer. Your request to talk with an officer will create a call log, which will show the date, time and nature of your concern. Once you have talked with the officer, the officer will decide if a formal report is to be submitted. When a formal report is to be submitted, the officer will receive and can give you the case number for future reference. If there is not a formal report, you may still obtain the call log number.

If you believe you have witnessed a crime on campus or have been a victim of a crime on campus and would like to report it anonymously, complete the Silent Witness form by clicking the button below.

Concerning Behavior

In today's world anyone can experience high levels of stress. Any University of Utah campus community member or visitor who encounters a student, faculty, staff or campus visitor whose behaviors are concerning, disruptive or threatening toward themselves or others may report the incident to the University of Utah's Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT) at 801-581-7066.

Maintenance, Lighting or Grounds Issue

Faculty, staff, students and visitors may submit a request for operations and maintenance, lighting, grounds and custodial services regarding repairs, unsafe or hazardous conditions around campus. Examples of reportable issues include a plumbing problem, broken sidewalk, light out or building temperature that is too cold or too hot. If you see a life-threatening or emergency situation, please call 9-1-1.

Note: If you live in on-campus housing and need to report a maintenance issue, please contact:

• Peterson Heritage Center: 801-587-2000
• Marriott Honors Community: 801-587-8444
• Lassonde Studios: 801-213-8700
• University Student Apartments: 801-581-8668; after-hours maintenance support: 801-560-1434

For routine maintenance issues, please complete the online maintenance request form:
• Housing & Residential Education:
• University Student Apartments:


If you would like to report something that does not fall into one of the above categories, here are some other resources that may be helpful:


Discrimination is partiality or bias in the treatment of a person or group that is unfair or illegal. One can be subject to unfair treatment that is not illegal under university policy or state or federal law. An example would be being treated unfairly because someone doesn’t like you or because of your political affiliations. Discrimination in violation of university policy is treating someone differently based on a protected class. A protected class is a group of people protected against discrimination by university policy or by state and federal law. At the University of Utah, the protected classes are: color, race, ethnicity, national origin, age, religion, disability, veteran’s status, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression and genetic information. Complaints also may be filed for harassment, including sexual harassment, and retaliation.

Student Code of Conduct

Students at the University of Utah are members of an academic community committed to basic and broadly shared ethical principles and concepts of civility. Integrity, autonomy, justice, respect and responsibility represent the basis for the rights and responsibilities that follow. Participation in the University of Utah community obligates each member to follow a code of civilized behavior. Read more:

Academic Misconduct

A student who engages in academic misconduct (cheating, plagiarism, etc.) may be subject to academic sanctions including but not limited to a grade reduction, failing grade, probation, suspension or dismissal from the academic program or the university. This process, including how to appeal, is outlined in Section V., Student Academic Conduct, of the Student Code of Rights and Responsibilities.

Environmental Health & Safety

Safety concerns that may be reported here include lab safety issues, general workplace and office safety, fire safety and environmental concerns.

University Safety Feedback

The University Safety Department is committed to continuous improvement and to creating a safe environment that meets the needs of the U community. Please share your feedback with us. This information is received by the Office of the Chief Safety Officer, which serves as the central administrative unit for all public safety functions, including University Police, Community Services, Emergency Management, Emergency Communications, Campus Security, and U Health Security.


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